lcviews premium launched

I am happy to introduce “lcviews premium.”


“lcviews premium” is a new and innovative service that links Trade Finance rules to Trade Finance practice.


Detailed information – and how to sign up here:


We have worked on this for a long time – for more than 2 years in fact. The idea goes back many years. I have always thought that there is a huge challenge in combining Trade Finance Rules (such as UCP 600) to Trade Finance practice (such as the ICC Opinions).


If – as an example – one want to understand the practice regarding the addresses of the applicant and beneficiary to an LC (i.e. the practical application of UCP 600 article 14(j)), then it may be rather hard to locate. For example some of the ICC Opinions are published in books (based on when the Opinion is approved). All of them are available in DC-Pro – but not “linked” to the relevant UCP 600 article.


This is what we are trying to fix with “lcviews premium.”


For this example lcviews premium includes a page titled “UCP 600 Article 14(j) Standard for Examination of Documents (Addresses of the beneficiary and the applicant).” This page includes an article explaining – in a practical way – how article 14(j) is to be applied in practice.


In addition it includes “links” to reviews of the ICC Opinions that relates to article 14(j).

There is one heading for each review. Each can be expanded and collapsed by a single click. Each ICC Opinion is split into sequences – and you only get the sequence relevant for the topic / article you read about. Each sequence is a short and focused review (i.e. not the full text), which makes it easy to get a quick overview of the practice for – in this example – addresses of the applicant and beneficiary.


Reviews have been written on all the ICC Opinions issued subject to UCP 600 and URDG 758 – including the ones approved April this year in Dubai.


In other words: lcviews does NOT include the full text of the UCP 600, ISBP 745, URDG 758, ICC Opinions etc. But it does offer a quick overview of the current practice related to a certain article, topic, paragraph etc. Easy and searchable.


Of course lcviews premium is not static – and it will continue to grow. New ICC Opinions, DOCDEX Decisions as well as relevant examples from the SingleWindow service will be added over time.


I hope you will appreciate this initiative – and any comments, questions and suggestions are most welcome.


Take care of each other and the LC.


Best regards




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LCViews - lcviews premium launched