“Pre-summer-vacation-ICC-Opinion-Review” #1

Where I am it is summer; and I have been hit by the summer feeling.

My summer vacation will start at the end of this week. After that I will close down for 3 weeks. I really look forward to that – BUT before I turn off my computer I will share with you four ICC Opinion reviews that are only available on lcviews.com; one every day…


The first one is Official Opinion R654 / TA647rev, that deals with the language of a CMR consignment note:




Title: All documents in English



UCP 600: N/A

ISBP 745: A21(a)(d)

Topic: Language of documents


Details of the query:

The LC included the following requirement:


“All documents should be issued in English.”


The CMR was rejected for the following reason:


“CMR-not preprinted in English”.


The CMR was pre-printed in French and in Croatian; the document did provide the description of the fields in English on the reverse.


Does the requirement apply to the language in which data on a document is completed, or also to the pre-printed form?


ICCs opinion:

A previous ICC opinion (R.564), stated:


""all required documents must be issued in English” relates to the data thereon that would evidence compliance with the terms of the credit and the relevant provision(s) of the UCP.”


Because the data that is inserted in the respective fields of the CMR document was in English, there is no discrepancy.



Full transcript:

This review is written by LC Views.

For the full transcript of the Official ICC Opinion please contact ICC Books or DC-Pro.


Official Opinion R654 / TA647rev - 2005-2008



Note that lcviews premium includes 6 (six) pages dedicated to ISBP paragraph 21 – Language – linked to the relevant ICC Opinions – including the above.


For more information: http://www.kimsindberg.com/lcviewspremium.html

Sign up for lcviews: http://lcviews.com/index.php?page_id2


& remember to take care of each other and the LC


Best regards



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LCViews - “Pre-summer-vacation-ICC-Opinion-Review” #1