“Pre-summer-vacation-ICC-Opinion-Review” #4

The fourth “pre-summer-vacation-ICC-Opinion-Review” is R752 / TA748 regarding a branch of the carrier signing a bill of lading:



Title: Bill of lading issued by branch of the carrier



UCP 600: UCP 600 article 20(a)(i)

ISBP 745: E5(b)

Topic: Signing of transport documents


Details of the query:

Presentation information:

The presented bill of lading is issued/signed as follows:


The headline of the bill of lading reads: “Carrier: Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg”


The bill of lading is signed as follows:

“Hapag-Lloyd Denmark,

Branch of Hapag-Lloyd AG, Germany As Carrier”



Is the bill of lading signed correct?


ICCs opinion

Hapag Lloyd AG, Germany is the carrier and any of its stated branches may issue bills of lading and sign as carrier.


The bill of lading fulfils the requirements of sub-article 20 (a) (i).



Full transcript

This review is written by LC Views.

For the full transcript of the Official ICC Opinion please contact ICC Books or DC-Pro.


Official Opinion R752 / TA748 - 2009-2011



lcviews premium includes a full page dedicated to the topic “Signing of transport documents” – that includes links to reviews of all relevant ICC Opinions.


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I hope you have enjoyed the lcviews reviews – and than you for your support – and wish you all a great summer …. See you on the other side.


& remember to take care of each other and the LC


Best regards



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LCViews - “Pre-summer-vacation-ICC-Opinion-Review” #4