The new ICC Opinions are out

The ICC Banking Commission have just circulated the new Draft Opinions to be discussed at the Banking Commission Technical Meeting to be held in London on 6-9 November 2017.

The Draft Opinions for discussion are in the sequence TA865rev, TA870-873 & TA875-879. I.e. 10 new Opinions (Topics added by me):


TA865-1: Customs Export Declaration not authenticated


TA870-1: Invoice evidences incorrect terms of payment

TA870-2: Invoice and delivery note evidences tolerance per line item

TA870-3: Certificate of analysis evidences text in non-English


TA871-1: How to calculate the maturity date


TA872-1: Tolerance; quantity versus amount


TA873-1: Goods description on invoice inconsistent with LC

TA873-2: Invoice missing incoterms

TA873-3: Does the refusal message comply with article 16


TA875-1: Invoice showing beneficiary as “Company SA-NV” i.o. “Company NV”

TA875-2: Value of goods not equal to unit price multiplied with quantity


TA876-1: LC number incorrect in certificate


TA877-1: Port of discharge differ between B/L and LC


TA878-1: Non-documentay refusal


TA879-1: Interest claim for late payment


Already now reviews of the queries are available in lcviews premium (of course the final answers are not yet available). There are a total of 15 reviews in lcviews premium; one per topic as mentioned above.

A few of those will for sure trigger some discussion at the meeting; but in general really good questions. However also some that are … not so good. For example TA876 is a question that has been asked a number of times: The wrong representation of the LC number on a presented document ….

In any case … some really good stuff. I look forward to take part in the discussions around those – and not least to report about the final ones.

More about lcviews premium:


Take care of each other and the LC.


Kind regards



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LCViews - The new ICC Opinions are out