Have a nice summer
So far it has been a hectic and really good year. We have
now reached the summer holidays – and I will be away for the next 3 weeks. But
before I go – I would like to stop and look back a bit.
August last year we introduced this blog. Since then we have
published 42 blog posts. I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as I have
enjoyed writing them. I really like this “loose” form – and especially not
being bound by “deadlines” and “issues” and “volumes.”
In this blog you have a chance to be “up to date” on what
moves within the trade finance world.
In the same period of time (i.e. since August last year) we
have answered 69 SingleWindow questions.
All of the above totally free of charge!
After the summer holidays we will launch a new version of
the website, which will include (for example) a premium part. We cannot wait to
show you what we are working on!
I have said it so many times – it really is amazing how
things change – for good and for bad. I really enjoy the way that trade finance
discussions have “exploded” on the social media and discussion forums. I have
the privilege of co-managing the LinkedIn Group “Export Letters of Credit” –
who have just reached 2000 members. This is fantastic. No less.
Personally I try to “spread” trade finance related
information to the community via LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. You are most
welcome to “follow” me should you be interested to do so. Here are the links:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/pub/kim-sindberg/1/883/772
Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Kim-Sindberg/226292130786403
Twitter: twitter.com/kimsindberg
All of the above with one single purpose:
Spreading quality trade finance knowledge and information to
every corner of the world – in a practical, price effective and easy to access
Speaking of the above I have the pleasure of telling you
that version 2 of the “Pocket Guide Series For International Trade” developed
together with Lakshmanan Sankaran is available for iPhone and iPad – and very
soon (day or days) also for Android. The App will include 6 new pocket guides –
for example a guide describing the new ICC rules for the BPO (URBPO), which was
in force 1 July 2013.
The App now includes the following guides:
Letters of Credit
Error Free LC presentation Under a Letter of Credit
Documentary Collections
Demand Guarantees
BPO – Bank Payment Obligation
LC Checklist for Importers
LC Checklist for Sales Department of Exporters
Sanctions and Compliance
Standby Letter of Credit
In connection with the release of version 2 we have made a
new website.
You are welcome to take a look:
I would also like to comment on the trade scene; again it is
amazing how things change. The BPO rules are out – it will be interesting to
follow its development. I will do that of course.
It seems also that amongst the corporate customers there are
a real interest in multi banking systems – and for example the MT798 from
SWIFT. This year vital pages in the “trade history book” has been written. This
is good news indeed – and I feel privileged to be a part of that.
After the summer holidays I expect to be attending the
following “events:”
17 October 2013 (London)
ISBP breakfast workshop - hosted by Holman Fenwick Willan
23-24 October 2013 (Vienna)
ICC Banking Commission Meeting
20 November 2013 (Gothenburg)
Exporta’s 6th Annual Nordic Region Trade & Export
So perhaps we will meet there.
Meanwhile I wish you all a great summer – thanking you
deeply for your continuous support.
I look forward to see you after the summer holidays – and do
remember … to take care of each other and the LC!
Kind regards